Taken from the book “Cultivating an unshakeable Character” by Jim Rohn. The way to set up your goal directed behaviour. There are long term goal and short term goal.

Define the long term goal by writing down

1. What do I want to do

2. What do I want to be

3. What do I want to see

4. What do I want to have

5. Where do I want to go

Under each heading of the above, write down several possible long term goal, come up between three to six ideas.

Keep going as long as it still inspire you. Then write down a number of years on how long it will take to achieve.

You should end up with a balanced timeline (1 year, 3 years and 5 years). If not you need to keep balancing it.

Once you have a balanced goal, it is time to picture your goal with absolute clarity. Think about all the questions that need to be answered and write them down.

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