The Mansion

I was doing a contract work for a company which have a dodgy rooms like a huge mansion. I think I was being head hunted to the company doing some sort of research.
This one time I had the urge to brush my teeth and had to walk downstairs into a room through a dodgy wall. Unfortunately I keep forgetting something, be it my toothbrush, or toothpaste or something that prevent me from doing it. All the near by washroom was occupied.
When the Boss spotted my useless activity of running around, he resolved to ask other staff to vacate the nearby wash room so I can do my business there and get on with my work.

So I finally collected all the necessary bit I need and go to the bathroom. To my surprise I stumble upon Sa Ko Po there. She greeted me with a hug, which I am not comfortable with but I get used to it, then trying to show me around the mansion.
Not until then I realise how big it is. It is like a huge colony.

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